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Jeremiah Brent Family Ritual, Five Senses and Design

Let’s dive into Jeremiah Brent family ritual, Design, and the Power of the Senses. Renowned interior designer Jeremiah Brent continues to open his heart and home to fans, offering glimpses into both his personal life and creative process through a series of intimate videos. Recently, he reflected on two themes that define his life: the importance of family and how the five senses influence his approach to design.

Jeremiah Brent Family Ritual

In a recent video, Jeremiah responded to a fan’s touching comment: “Two beautiful children! Your family could not be more perfect.” His response was both heartfelt and humble, showing a deep love for his children:

“Thank you. I don’t believe that anything is perfect, but my children, in my opinion, are very close to it.”

A Heartwarming Reflection on Family

He continued to reflect on the fast passage of time as his children grew up. His daughter is now entering fourth grade, while his son is about to start first grade. Jeremiah shared the bittersweet realization that he has grown accustomed to their lively presence, particularly during the summer:

“I have gotten so used to hearing their screams, especially in the summers, running around in the background.”

Morning Ritual

One of Jeremiah’s favorite moments is their morning breakfast routine. This Jeremiah Brent family ritual allows him to connect with his kids and sets a joyful tone for the day:

“Excited about our day as a whole, that is one of my favorite moments that I cherish.”

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The Influence of the Five Senses on Design

Beyond his family, Jeremiah also revealed how deeply the five senses inspire his design philosophy. For him, design is not just about aesthetics or functionality; it’s about creating spaces that evoke emotions and memories. He believes that the five senses—sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell—are key to this process, helping to turn a house into a home.

Jeremiah explained how each sense plays a role in his creative work, allowing him to design spaces that engage and delight on multiple levels:

  1. Taste

For Jeremiah, the sense of taste often connects to his passion for exploring new experiences. He’s particularly excited about an upcoming sweet treat: a candy shop opening in the West Village. The owner’s journey, which has been beautifully documented online, has piqued his curiosity:

“I can’t wait to get in there and try it.”

In design, taste might not seem like an obvious sense, but Jeremiah believes that the right food and dining experience can complement a well-designed space, adding another layer of pleasure and comfort.

  1. Hearing

Music plays a central role in Jeremiah’s daily life, both personally and creatively. Right now, he and his son Oskar are obsessed with the song “Animal” by Noah Kahan:

“Oskar makes me listen to it every day.”

The power of sound in design cannot be overstated. Whether it’s the soft hum of background music, the echoes in a hallway, or the serenity of a quiet reading nook, sound sets the atmosphere of a space and can deeply influence how we feel in it.

jeremiah brent five senses

  1. Sight

While sight is the most obvious sense in the world of design, Jeremiah approaches it with great thoughtfulness. In his current video, he playfully admitted to watching some TV shows that might surprise people:

“I am watching something, but I don’t want to be judged for it… Okay, I’m just going to say it.” (He chuckled as he confessed watching The Real Housewives of Orange County alongside The Americans, a show he is newly obsessed with.)

Design for sight isn’t just about beautiful decor—it’s about creating a visual narrative that tells a story, evokes memories, and invites people to experience the space in a personal way.

  1. Smell

Jeremiah shared his favorite current scent, the “W” scent from The Row. He loves how it comes in a roller format, allowing him to carry it around and apply it throughout the day:

“It’s so nice. You kind of just keep it in your pocket or your satchel.”

Scent is a powerful, often overlooked, element in design. It can transport someone to another time or place, evoke emotions, and set the mood of a room. Jeremiah believes in using scents as an essential layer of home design, adding an invisible yet profound dimension to any space.

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  1. Touch

For Jeremiah, the sense of touch is integral to his creative process. He has a particular affinity for tactile materials like parchment and goat skin, especially from the 1950s and ’60s:

“I love the texture of it, the palette, the color—one of my favorites and really inspired by it.”

Touch in design goes beyond furniture and fabrics; it’s about creating a sensory experience that invites people to physically interact with their surroundings. Whether it’s the smooth surface of a tabletop or the rich texture of a woven rug, touch can evoke comfort, luxury, and warmth in a home.

Engaging the Senses in Design

Jeremiah Brent’s creative philosophy shows how vital the five senses are in crafting meaningful spaces. For him, each project is an opportunity to create an environment that is not only visually stunning but also engages the other senses, making the experience richer and more immersive.

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Design that incorporates all five senses goes beyond the visual—it becomes an emotional experience. When you walk into a space designed with attention to sound, smell, taste, and touch, you’re not just seeing the room; you’re feeling it. Just like Jeremiah Brent family ritual at breakfast shared earlier. Being with family, feeling your presence around loved ones. This multi-sensory approach helps build spaces that feel personal and deeply connected to the people living in them.

Jeremiah’s Journey

Through these insights, it’s clear that Jeremiah Brent brings the same care to both his family and his design work. Whether reflecting on the joys of parenthood or the beauty of texture and sound in his creative process, Jeremiah continues to inspire his followers by blending his personal and professional lives in a way that feels authentic and true.

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