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Inside Nate and Jeremiah House in LA [Pictures]


Nate and Jeremiah House Interview

Today we sneak into Nate and Jeremiah House for an exclusive interview. Nate and Jeremiah are busy in different projects so how about we catch the celebrities in their (Nate and Jeremiah House) home. So let’s get started.

Hi, we are Nate and Jeremiah and we’re hanging out in our library which sounds very fancy but we’re not fancy.

Nate and Jeremiah House Evolving Love

Has loved changed for you both after having Poppy and Oskar?

Jeremiah I mean everything changes the second you have kids (surrogacy in our case) which are so cliche to say but it’s so true. I think that every experience kind of takes on it’s a whole new meaning. It’s just because you’re seeing it through the eyes of your kids which is just surreal to watch.

nate and jeremiah house family

Nate I remember when Poppy was a baby we used to walk to the parks all the time. We would be outside the whole family just on our backs looking at the sky, the trees rustling, and everything. I think it reconnects you to everything that really matters. Nature, yourself, your insecurities, your vulnerability, your questions you have about yourself as a person you see it mirrored back to you every moment especially as the kids get older.

READ ALSO  Oskar Brent Berkus Photoshoot with Jeremiah Brent

Love Teachings

One thing that you’ve taught each other about love?

Jeremiah I teach them things about love every day. I am a real… I am a teacher

Nate It’s pretty spectacular. I said once to me when we were arguing about something as couples do. He said to me after we had resolved it because we definitely talked through everything in (Nate and Jeremiah House) home. We’re like *Jeremiah interrupts you’re welcome* I know my god it’s like, hey lesbian drama.

Jeremiah It’s interesting to sit down yes talk about it…

Source of Happiness

Nate I really want to know the source of that feeling. It is God, let’s go back Jerry said to my sister you know it, doesn’t matter who you are it doesn’t matter what you have going for you or how dynamic you can be or how much you have going on in life. That’s positive. It’s really hard to find somebody who can stand you at the end of the day.

Nate and Jeremiah House Hall

I think that that’s such a brilliant way of thinking it through because we all walk around with like this ego at some level of like I’m this I’m that. The bottom line is at the end of the day when all the noise is gone and it’s just the two of you and you’re staring at one another and you know that you have made a decision to stay in love to stay together to work through, whatever you need to work through to stay in love as a decision. A decision to stay in a house, Nate and Jeremiah House.

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Hopes for Them

What are your hopes for your daughter and your son for their future?

Jeremiah The best gift that we can give our daughter and son is the opportunity to grow up with no expectations from us. They don’t need to be a rocket scientist; they don’t need to do anything but be kind.

Nate and Jeremiah House Bathroom

Nate We want to raise them to be empathetic. We want them to understand what’s going on outside of this house. If they believe in Switzerland hit it, I’m ready dispenser line no, but the by the time poppy is 15, you’re gonna be like what’s that school you’ve been talking about *Jeremiah: I’m gonna look so old.*

Worst Friend Picker

Anyway, I’m gonna be sold*Jeremiah I know but are you gonna look your age.* Babe, That’s the rudest thing he Jeremiah thinks I have like I guess this is gone. I have a really bad picker, like really worst friend picker.

Nate and Jeremiah House Kitchen

Jeremiah We’ve been in events of lifetime, had our perfect Nate and Jeremiah Wedding recently celebrated Halloween and also we’ve left Nate and Jeremiah House, and neighbors have said to me we got in the car did you have the best time. The coolest night of my life was like, I actually feel dead inside. I can never be around everybody we’re never going back, I can’t live here.

Life Lessons

What are some of the things that life is taught you so far?

Jeremiah The best thing that I’ve learned is to not to take it all too seriously. I get in my head and I get very intense and deep and I’m very internal. We have so much fun you know our life is fun, we laugh constantly, we get to create beautiful things and we love our job, which is such a gift. A Nate and Jeremiah House, we have our family, which we never still thought was possible. So, I think my biggest lesson has been just to have fun with it you know enjoy it as much as possible.

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Nate and Jeremiah House Best Part?

The best part of raising kids is that Nate and Jeremiah House has always been a place for the two of us but it is now morphed into these four people. It’s we could be in the middle of the worst place ever and the four of us are there and it feels like home. Yeah so, I think that’s a really powerful thing, and talking about love and the evolution of how it continues to morph and change. You know our daughters three now and she’s got opinions and she says something in the other day.

Nate and Jeremiah House Bedroom

She rolled her eyes it made it was like what’s happening and he’s cracking up behind her back, so funny but that’s the fun thing is that there’s no ego in it with us that’s like I’m like you know I invented that. I roll okay, so you got to get rid of it but then we’re laughing about it later you know it’s these little people that we get the opportunity to raise and to kind of keep them safe for as long as possible and we’re loving it.

Nate Jeremiah put her in a chair poppy for a timeout. She marched from down the hallway into the chair like this I was like I was like this is so great.

Jeremiah We have a house of all the crazy people. Yeah, kids are Aries both Aries and then there’s me and then there’s this guy.

The energy of Nate and Jeremiah House

Nate Jeremiah’s into the ceremony.  Nate and Jeremiah house, lighting candles and having music on and the lighting and everything. He sets the house several times a day, sets the tone of Nate and Jeremiah house, the energy I maintain the energy of the house. I maintain like what’s in the junk drawer because that gives me a great pleasure to have our keys all like in the same little container next to the pens next to everything else. I can’t leave a room when it’s like messy like I I knew when we started, yes you can.

Nate and Jeremiah House Inside Interview

Our friend Libby taught our daughter when she was a baby to call me old daddy, which was great. Jeremiah enjoyed it, visibly. So, I said to poppy even if I’m the old daddy that’s messy daddy. There’s a video of her at like one and a half or two in his closet and I was like what’s his name? She’s like a messy daddy.

Older Sister

How is Poppy taking to be an older sister?

Jeremiah She’s been nurturing since the day Oskar Brent Berkus was born. I mean she’s exactly who she was when he came out. You know this I’m sure like they come out that little presence and she’s super sweet. I’d loved having her energy at Nate and Jeremiah House. He’s gonna be so good because he’s gonna push her and challenge her and but she’s so good. She’s just such a good girl and Poppy takes care of Oskar.

Nate and Jeremiah Hall Place

Nate When Oskar Brent Berkus was first born she wasn’t that interested in him because he didn’t do anything. He was just a blob and I think she tried to get her excited about having a baby brother. She like pictured him playing but I think.

Jeremiah She’s to ask us every day when’s him gonna be big, yeah Wendy way too big!

READ ALSO  Nate and Jeremiah Son Oskar Story Behind His Name

Nate and Jeremiah House Swing Set

Nate Then the other day Poppy Brent Berkus was playing on her swing set. There’s this platform and then above it is this little area and she came and got me. She was in like full like head-to-toe princess regalia like white gloves. Oh, it’s plastic crown and she said

Dad, can you go get a key because I’m going to play the princess and I want you to put him on the ground under my swing set and he can play the troll

I think that really sums it up I mean they a lifetime of playing the troll. Yeah, he’s gonna be a troll for a while.


So that’s it, guys. That was the interview. We hope you liked it. You can subscribe to our facebook fan page if you want to keep your self-updated regarding latest activities of Nate and Jeremiah! For those who want to check out the video of the interview can check out this link. This link contains the full video of the interview.

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